Being a nanny, I don't get home much before the sun sets- meaning I don't usually get the privilege of making dinner for me and my husband. On the rare occasion I do get to come home as the sun goes down (6:30ish), which means I get to make a late dinner!! And last night, was one of those nights! I was feeling adventurous, and wanted to try something I had never done before (along with the same old, same old).
I made pan-fried Chicken with a drizzle of Wildtree bacon flavored grape seed oil (to purchase some for yourself, click on the link at the bottom of this post), a sprinkle of paprika, pink Himalayan salt, and some good old fresh ground pepper. Put it in the oven for a bit to keep warm while I cooked the rest of the meal.
Sauteed/caramelized veggies- zucchini, yellow squash, and cherry tomatoes! I drizzled a little roasted garlic grape seed oil, and just a bit of pink Himalayan salt. Superb!
And last but certainly not least- the exciting dish! Pureed cauliflower.
Now I know what you're thinking.. "That just sounds disgusting! Not exciting." Well if you use your imagination, it tastes like healthy mashed potatoes. In fact, my husband had no idea it was cauliflower until I told him- he thought it was mashed potatoes. Since cauliflower has such a bland taste to begin with, it pretty much adapts to whatever flavor you mix in with it.
I began preparing it by washing, and cutting it into pieces a little smaller than the size of a serving spoon. Boiled with a few cloves of garlic until super tender- about 20 mins, and drained really well (I think next time I may try to pat it dry with a paper towel. Mine was a little watery). The aroma is a little strong, and not in a good way.. But it's well worth it!
After draining, I dumped all of the cauliflower into my kitchen aid mixer, and mixed it with the whisk attachment until smooth. (I bought my mixer for myself on black friday, and I have never since regretted it.) If you don't have a kitchen aid, a hand mixer will work just as well. I prepared it as I would mashed potatoes, adding a few naughty ingredients. A dollop or 2 of sour cream, a slash of milk (1-2 Tbsp.), a few pats of butter, Himalayan salt & pepper to taste, garlic salt to taste, and some ranch dressing.

And let me tell you , it was delish!!! And I've never been a fan of cauliflower.
Pureed Cauliflower
Yield: Serves 2-4
1/2 head of Fresh Cauliflower
3-4 cloves of Garlic
1-2 heaping Tbsp. Sour Cream
1-2 Tbsp. Milk
Salt, pepper, garlic salt- to taste
2-3 Tbsp.- Real Butter
1 Tbsp.- Ranch Dressing
1. Wash. Cut. Throw into a pot of water with 2-3 cloves of garlic & boil.
2. When done (About 20 mins.), drain really well & puree with an electric mixer.
3. When pureed, add whatever you want really. I added sour cream, ranch dressing, milk, garlic salt, fresh ground pepper, pink himalayan salt, and butter
4. Serve warm.
To purchase some Wildtree grape seed oil, or any of their other all natural products, click here to get in touch with my local Wildtree representative- my mom!! Susan Brady.
Until next time- Keep cooking. Try new things. And tell me all about it!
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